North Carolina Legal Weights

/North Carolina Legal Weights

North Carolina Legal Weights

The maximum permissible weight depends on the number of load carriers; permissible weight of the bridge structure. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2) of this subsection, the Department of Public Safety shall impose a civil penalty on the owner or registration of the vehicle for any violation of single or tandem axle masses specified in subsection (b)(1), (b)(2) or (b)(4) of this section or axle masses approved by special permit in accordance with G.S. 20-119(a) in accordance with the following schedule:  for the first 1,000¢ or a fraction thereof: four hundred (4¢) per pound;  six cents (6¢) per pound for the next 1,000¢ or part thereof;  and ten cents (10¢) per pound for each additional pound.  These penalties apply separately to each weight restriction violated.  In all cases of violation of the weight limit, the penalty will be calculated and assessed for each pound of weight exceeding the maximum allowed. (3) If the axle weight of a group of a vehicle exceeds the weight limit specified in subsection (b)(3) of this section plus the tolerances permitted in subsection (h) of this section or the axle masses of the group or gross masses approved by special approval in accordance with G.S. 20-119(a), the Department of Public Safety shall impose a civil penalty on the owner or registrant of the motor vehicle.  The penalty shall be determined on the basis of the number of pounds by which the weight of the group of axles exceeds the limit set out in paragraph (b)(3) of this section or by special approval in accordance with G.S. 20-119 as follows: for the first 2,000 pounds or a fraction thereof, two hundred (2¢) per pound;  for the following 3,000¢ or any part thereof: four hundred (4¢) per pound;  for every pound over 5,000 pounds, ten cents (10¢) per pound.  Tolerance books exceeding the limit set out in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are liable to a penalty if the vehicle exceeds the tolerance authorized in paragraph (h) of this section.  These penalties apply separately to each violated weight limit of the axle group.  Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, a vehicle with a special permit that has been rejected because of an offence under one of the provisions listed in G.S. 20-119 (D1) is liable to additional penalties under this Subdivision, punishable by a civil penalty not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000) based on the number of pounds by which the weight of the group of axles exceeds the limit set out in subsection (b) (3) of this section.

(c) Exceptions.–The following exceptions apply to paragraphs (b) and (e) of this Article:.  * Distance in feet between the outermost of a group of two or more consecutive axes. 8. A fire truck driven by a member of a municipal or rural fire brigade in the performance of his or her duties, whether remunerated or voluntary, and any vehicle belonging to a volunteer rescue organization, when driven by a member of that organization in response to an official call, are subject to the restrictions set out in paragraph (b)(4) of this section on lighting Excluding Highway Traffic. (g) This section does not authorize the gross weight of a vehicle or combination exceeding the safe load capacity on a bridge established by the Department of Transportation in accordance with G.S. 136-72. (1) The single-axle weight of a vehicle or combination of vehicles shall not exceed 20,000 pounds. (5) A violation of a weight restriction in this section or of a weight permitted under G.S. 20-119 is not punishable under G.S.

20-176. (k) A vehicle equipped with a self-loading platform and intended and used exclusively for the transportation of pressed seed cotton from the farm to a cotton ginning plant or from sage to the market may operate on state highways, excluding interstate highways, with a tandem axle weight not exceeding 50,000 pounds.  These vehicles are exempted from light road restrictions only from the place of origin on the low-traffic road to the nearest State-maintained road, which is not signposted in such a way as to prohibit the carriage of the legal load limits.  This exception does not apply to restricted signalling bridge structures. B1. Does not operate on a road and does not exceed posted bridge weight limits during transportation or transportation of agricultural products. c. Has a single steered axle weight of not more than 22,000 pounds and a tandem axle weight of not more than 46,000 pounds. (4) Gross weight.–The weight of a single axle, tandem axle or group of axles of a vehicle or combination of vehicles plus the weight of a load on the vehicle. f.

Recyclable materials transported from their place of origin for processing to a scrap metal processing plant.  As used in this subsection, the terms “recyclable material” and “processing” have the same meanings as in paragraph 130A-290(a) of the G.S. Steering axle 20,000 lbs Single axle 25,000 lbs Tandem axles 50,000 lbs Trideaxles 60,000 lbs 4 axles or more than 68,000 lbs (f) Repealed by the 1993 Act, No 761, § 15, in force on 16 July 1994. 5. Wood residues, including wood chips, sawdust, mulch or tree bark from any location. One. Transportation of aggregates from a state-licensed distribution park or manufacturing facility located in a North Carolina county adjacent to the North Carolina state border to a destination in another state adjacent to that county, as evidenced by a driver`s driver-owned weighing certificate available for inspection by law enforcement personnel. 3. Consists of a two-axle vehicle not exceeding a gross weight of 37,000 pounds and a single-axle weight not exceeding 27,000 pounds, at least 14 feet in length between the centre of the first axle and the centre of the second axle of the vehicle. (3) If a vehicle is driven in violation of subsection (b)(4) of this section, the owner of the vehicle is authorized without penalty to move the load inside the vehicle from one axle to another in order to comply with the weight limits, provided that the weight on a single axle does not exceed the specified limit of 2,500 pounds.

(19) Any additional weight authorization required by 23 U.S.C. § 127, which applies to all interstate highways, also applies to all state highways, unless the highway is a marked road or bridge, or is expressly prohibited by state law or departmental order applicable to a particular road. c. Meets one of the following vehicle configurations:. (10) A fully enclosed motor vehicle specially designed for the collection, compaction and transportation of waste from dwellings or dumpsters shall, when used for those purposes, have a single-axle weight not exceeding 23,500 pounds on the steered axle in the case of boom vehicles or on the rear axle in the case of rear-laden vehicles.  This exemption does not apply to vehicles operating on highways, vehicles transporting hazardous waste as defined in G.S. 130A-290(a)(8), used nuclear fuel in accordance with G.S. 20-167.1, low-level radioactive waste as defined in G.S. 104E-5(9a) or radioactive material as defined in G.S. 104E-5(14). 5. The restrictions on light road traffic provided for in point (b)(4) of this Section shall not apply to a vehicle if that vehicle carries only the following items from its place of origin on a low-flow road to one of the two nearest motorways which is not a low-flow road.

 If the starting point of that vehicle is a road without light traffic and that road is blocked by roads with low traffic from all directions and does not border other roads without light traffic, the road of the place of origin shall be considered a low-traffic road for the purposes of this Sub-Section: 7. A tow truck may send any truck or other motor vehicle or combination of broken down vehicles to a repair location: pull. Park or store within 50 miles of the point where the vehicle was deactivated and may tow a replacement truck, tractor or other vehicle to the location of the disabled vehicle without contravening this section, provided that the tow truck and the towed vehicle or combination of vehicles otherwise meet all the requirements of this section. c. Forest products from an agricultural holding or forest and transported without interruption or delay for further packaging or processing after the start of transport.

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